
LOOV is dynamic, educational, interactive, and free from taboos.
LOOV is two iPad apps, one for 9- to 12-year-olds and one for youth between 12 and 14. By offering diverse experiences that present realistic and fun everyday situations and many interactive features, both apps delve into various aspects of sexuality within the context of overall health. Entertaining and varied clips connect with young people in keeping with their gender, age, and concerns.
LOOV is also a book and a journal where preadolescents can record their experiences and find answers to their questions about sexuality, identity, love, and intimacy.
- Youth
Awards and recognitions
1 Youth Media Alliance Award
- 2018 - Gala « Alliance Médias Jeunesse» - Prix d’excellence pour le meilleur contenu interactif - Engagement - Mention spéciale